Colour Palette Window Menu

The Colour Palette window's menu bar contains commands in four menus: File, Edit, Presets, and Colour.


Open... Displays the Open Palette dialog box, from which you can select a previously saved colour palette to open. You can also load palettes from saved fractal images. CTRL+O
Save Stores the current palette to disk using its current file name. CTRL+S
Save As... Displays the Save Palette dialog box, from which you can save the current palette to disk using a different file name.  
Reset Restores the current palette to the default palette. CTRL+R
Close Closes the Colour Palette window.  


Undo action Undoes the last change to the palette. This can even be used to undo changes to the palette that occur while the Colour Palette window is not open, such as palette changes caused by opening a fractal from disk. CTRL+Z
Redo action Redoes the last action undone. CTRL+SHIFT+Z
Cut Cuts the currently selected control points to the palette window clipboard. CTRL+X
Copy Copies the currently selected control points to the palette window clipboard. CTRL+C
paste Pastes the contents of the palette window clipboard. If you need more precise control of pasting, such as specifying a particular location to paste to, you can use the curve graph's pop-up menus. CTRL+V
Delete Delete's the currently selected control points. DEL


List of colour palettes Lists ten common or interesting colour palettes CTRL+1 to CTRL+0


Interior... Displays the Interior Colour dialog box, from which you can select the colour to use for the interior of the fractal; by default, the interior colour is black  
Edge Fill... Displays the Edge Fill Colour dialog box, from which you can select the colour to use between edges of a fractal that is being viewed with the Edges option selected; by default, the edge fill colour is black  
Show Stripes Toggles whether the palette window should display two different colour sets, intermingled  
Edit Even When displaying two intermingled colour sets, selects the even colours for editing  
Edit Odd When displaying two intermingled colour sets, selects the odd colours for editing